List of Ingredients
14 oz can Eagle� Brand Sweetened Condensed Milk (NOT evaportaed milk)
1/2 cup apple juice or apple cider (chilled)
1 cup applesauce, chilled
1/2 tsp apple pie spice*
3 cups crushed ice
Apple wedges and apple peel strips, optional
Chill Eagle Brand. In blender container, combine Eagle Brand, applesauce, apple juice and apple pie spice; cover and blend until smooth. With blender running, gradually add ice, blending until smooth. Serve immediately.
Garnish with apple wedges and apple peel strips if desired.
Note: Look for apple pie spice in the spice section of your supermarket or substitute a mixture of 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon, 1/8 teaspoon ground nutmeg and dash ground allspice.
Yield: 5 servings