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    Source of Recipe

    Willie Crawford's Soul Food Recipes Newsletter

    List of Ingredients

    1 can of buttermilk biscuits (Grands)
    1 pound of any breakfast sausage roll (browned, drained, and
    2 cups shredded mozzarella and cheddar cheese (1 cup of each)
    5 eggs, beaten
    2 egg whites
    3/4 cup milk
    1/4 teaspoon salt
    1/8 teaspoon black pepper


    Preheat oven to 425F. Crumble and cook sausage in s skillet over
    medium heat until browned. Drain.

    Place one biscuit in the bottom of greased large cup muffin pan
    (you can use a regular sized muffin pan, but you will have
    leftover egg mixture). Press dough into the bottom of each cup
    making sure it comes up the sides. Fill 1/3 of the cup with
    cooked sausage and add 2 tbsp shredded cheese.

    Whisk together eggs, milk, salt and pepper in a medium bowl until
    blended. Pour egg mixture over biscuit and sausage mixture until
    the cup is 3/4 full. Once you have made prepared all of the
    cupcakes, place pan on a baking sheet and put into preheated

    Bake 30 minutes or until set (A knife should come out clean when
    inserted in the center). Let stand for 5 minutes. Enjoy!




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