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    Spaghetti Alla Carbonara - Girl Scouts

    Source of Recipe

    Girl Scout Daisy Magazine January 1980

    Recipe Introduction

    "This was the first carbonara recipe I ever tried and we loved it. The recipe was lost even though I searched for many, many years and did use other versions.. I found the long lost magazine in one of my GS storage boxes on July 9, 2008."

    List of Ingredients

    1/2 pound bacon (original 1/4 pound)
    3 tablespoons olive oil (original 2 tablesp.)
    5 large eggs (original 3 eggs)
    1 cup grated parmesan cheese(original 2/3 c.)
    1/2 teaspoon black pepper (original 1/4 teasp.)
    1 pound spaghetti (original 3/4 pound)
    4 quarts water; 1 Tablsp. salt
    1 teaspoon parslet flakes ((same as original)


    Cut bacon into little squares; place in frying pan with olive oil. (after cutting bacon wash hands and utensils well.) Cook over medium heat until bacon is brown. Remove with slotted spoon. Drain on paper towels. Turn off heat, but keep oil in frying pan for later use.

    In mixing bowl, scramble eggs. Add cheese, black pepper, and bacon, and mix well. Set aside.

    In a large pot, bring salted water to a rapid boil. Grasp a small handful of spaghetti and place one end of the strands in the water. As it softens, gently push the rest into the water until all is under water. Repeat with more handfuls until all the spaghetti is is cooking. Be sure the water continues to boil. You may need to turn down the heat a little to prevent boiling over.

    Cook uncovered, stirring occasionally with slotted spoon, until spaghetti is done--about 8 to 10 minutes. Test for doness by tasting a piece. It should be tender but firm.

    Using pot holders, drain spaghetti in a colander (you may want an adult to help you to do this.) While spaghetti is draining, measure oil from from frying pan. Return 1/3 cup oil to pan and heat.

    Place spaghetti in a large serving bowl. Pour egg mixture over spaghetti, then hot oil. Toss with salad spoons as you would a salad. The heat from the spaghetti and oil will cook the egg and melt the cheese forming a delicious sauce. Sprinkle with parsley flakes and serve at once. Serves 4 with side dishes.




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