1-1/2 cup sugar
2-3/4 cup dry milk
3/4 cup cornstarh
1 tsp salt
Combine all ingredients and stir until well blended. Store in tightly covered container. Makes about 24 servings of pudding. Keep mix on hand and you'll always be able to fix a good dessert or snack fast.
Vanilla or Chocolate Pudding from Mix
1-1/4 cup pudding mix
2-1/2 cups water
1 egg, beaten
1-1/2 tsp vanilla
1 tbsp margarine (optional)
Combine pudding mix and water in saucepan. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, until thickened. Add margarine and remove from heat. Stir some of the hot mixture into the beaten egg, then blend this mixture into the pudding and cook one minute. Remove from heat and add vanilla, pour into dessert dish. Serve warm or chilled. Makes six servings. For chocolate pudding, add 1/4 cup cocoa.