*Lunch Ideas*
Source of Recipe
Frugal Folks Life
List of Ingredients
Here are some lunch ideas:
+ Prepackage things like chips, pretzels, etc. into sandwich bags
at the beginning of the week.
Keep them in a big container/basket and just throw them in the lunch box in themorning.
+ I am definitely NOT a morning person either and always make the
lunches the night before and just toss everything in the lunchbox
in the morning.
I actually put all the stuff that doesn't need to be refrigerated in a pile, along with a napkin or 2 and any utensils needed.
I also do not buy juiceboxes unless I can get them almost free.
I use the Rubbermaid juicebox container, pour some juice in it(about 1/4 of the container) and then put it in the freezer.
In the morning, I fill the rest of the way with juice.
It will be thawed by lunchtime, but help keep the lunch cold.
I also keep a few of the blue freezer things in the freezer (you know, the things that keep the lunch cold!).
+ Homemade lunchables (cut up cheese, ham or any lunch meat, crackers)
+ Little pizza lunchables (I toasted bread and cut out in little circles).
Have a small container of pizza sauce and mozzarella.
+ Homemade muffin and a container of yogurt
+ Get a Thermos that will hold hot food.
You could send soup, stew, etc.
I'll be sending chicken noodle soup with a hot dog in it.
I'll have a bun and a pack of ketchup in her lunchbox.
Just make sure that you "preheat" the Thermos by putting boiling water
in it for a little bit before you put in the heated soup.
This will ensure that the food stays piping hot for lunch.
+ Tuna salad with crackers (or chicken salad);
Big biscuit with ham and cheese;
Bagel and cream cheese;
Bagel with lunchmeat and cheese;
Bugs on a log (peanut butter spread on a celery stick with raisins on top); Roll-up sandwiches;
Pasta salad;
BLT sandwich;
Mini pizzas;
Homemade Hot Pockets
+ You could make up jello and pudding and put in small plastic containers for the week.
You could also do a huge session of cookies and then put them in sandwich bags to be pulled out when needed.Recipe