Louisiana Spicy Jambalaya
Source of Recipe
Sunday Dinner
List of Ingredients
4 tbsp olive oil 60 ml
1 lb chicken wings (drumsticks) 450 g
1/2 lb cubed ham 225 g
1/2 lb smoky sausage 225 g
1/2 lb shrimp 225 g
1/2 lb mussels 225 g
1 cup onion, largely diced 250 ml
1 cup celery, largely diced 250 ml
1 cup green pepper, diced 250 ml
2 cloves garlic, crushed 2
2 cans diced tomatoes 2
1 cup chicken stock 250 ml
1 tbsp Tabasco green pepper sauce 15 ml
1 bay leaf 1
1 tsp oregano and thyme 5 ml
1/2 tsp ground allspice 2 ml
1 cup uncooked rice 250 ml
In a large pot heat the oil. Quickly saut� the garlic and the
wings until they're browned. Remove the chicken. Then add the celery,
peppers, tomatoes and seasonings and continue to saut�. Add ham,
sausage and mussels. Return chicken to the mixture. Add chicken stock
rice. Reduce the heat and allow to simmer for 30-40 minutes. Add
stock if necessary.
Cook rice until tender.