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    Vegetarian Big Breakfast

    Source of Recipe


    Recipe Introduction

    A big cooked breakfast is merely a selection of components you like arranged as desired. All the components listed here would be too much for a person but pick 3, 4, 5 or whatever of them as desired.

    List of Ingredients

    2 eggs (poached, fried or scrambled)

    baked beans (or any homemeade bean dish made up before. I find chilli works well)

    mashed potato (fried in a little butter - or boiled potatoes sliced and fried or for the very enterprising potato pancakes)

    baby spinach, fried in olive oil with salt and fresh garlic

    tomatoes sliced and fresh or fried (with onions possibly)

    english muffins topped with capsicum slices and cheese and grilled, then scattered with sliced spring onion (or just any warm bread product)

    mushrooms fried in butter with lots of pepper


    You need to think about what order you make things in. It can be heavy on the fat content (like most cooked breakfasts)but you could wilt the mushrooms or spinach in water or stock instead. My dad puts butter on the cheese toasties

    Serve with good coffee and fruit juice for each person.




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