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    Brazilian-style chicken

    Source of Recipe

    curtis stone (I doubt it has anything to do with brzil actually)

    Recipe Introduction

    serves 4 For a richer flavour add 1 cup dry white wine to the pan when returning chicken to it (makes it a less cheap dish though). It says drumsticks but the picture shows mixed pieces. Use either but beware the cooking time, it may need to be longer (noone likes raw chicken)

    List of Ingredients

    • 8 chicken drumsticks (or pieces)
    • salt and freshly ground black pepper
    • 2 tbs olive oil
    • 1 onion, thinly sliced
    • 2 red capsicums, thinly sliced
    • 2 roma tomatoes, thinly sliced
    • 1 garlic clove, finely chopped
    • 2 cups long grain rice


    1. Score skin on the drumsticks with sharp knofe. Sprinkle chicken all over with salt and pepper.
    2. Place a large heavy frypan on med-high heat. Drizzle in oil (when hot) and add chicken, skin side down. Cook 5-10 minutes until golden-brown all over. Transfer to a plate and drain off all but 1tbs oil from the pan.
    3. Add onion and saute 2 minutes. Add capsicum, tomatoes and garlic and saute 4 minutes or until capsicum has softened slightly. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
    4. Return chicken to pan (now or never for adding wine). Cover and simmer 10 minutes until chicken is cooked through.
    5. Cook rice according to packet directions.

    Final Comments

    Steamed broccoli or brussels sprouts are good with this one. If you grow your own chard or spinach or kale or something throw it in (ditto herbs) to make it more healthy at no extra cost. Also if mushrooms are cheap or something....well have some fun with it.




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