2 avocados
1/4 cup chopped onion, red or white, I used red
1 small clove garlic, chopped really fine
1 tomato, skinned and chopped
1 jalapeno seeded and chopped
3/4 cup cooked shrimp
2 tbls miracle whip, or similar
Peel and de-seed the avocados, sprinkle with lime juice to retard oxidation. Combine onion, garlic, tomato & pepper in a bowl. Add in the avocados, chopping them in roughly, add salt and freshly ground black pepper, and mix in the miracle whip...stir this all around well, taste for seasoning, add a little Calvin's and then carefully stir in the shrimp, taking care not to break them up. This may be made, covered with plastic wrap, and refrigerated for a few hours, then served on a bed of shredded romaine...be sure to shred the lettuce.
Tastes great, and is a different way of serving avocado, other than guacamole.