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    Honey Lime Glaze

    Source of Recipe


    Recipe Introduction

    my fave needed Microplane. and if you want to use it on anything a bbq brush and a bowl to put it in.

    List of Ingredients

    2 Limes
    1 pn Lime zest
    1 tb Honey
    1 pn Cayenne Pepper/Red Pepper


    1.With Microplane Zest one of the limes till you have enough for
    2. In bowl combine the juice of two of the limes I Use fork to help
    squeeze them that way the seeds don't fall out. Combine juice of
    limes with a tablespoon of honey and pinch of cayenne and pinch of
    lime zest mix together with fork or whisk.

    *****Use this to Glaze chicken or pork or whatever you like.*




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