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Recipes from Cornerstone Garlic Farm

My husband and I have a small farm where we grow 15 varieties of hardneck softneck and elephant garlic. Being from the south where people were not raised using fresh garlic we felt the need to come up with recipes using garlic and tips about using it.

We also grow shallots mushrooms blackberries herbs and a alot of unusual vegetables. We are believers in fresh local and substanable is best and encourage everyone to use fresh and local when they can.

At farmers markets where we sell we give out recipe sheets weekly with the current fresh produce and herbs.

Many customers wonder if I have a web page where they can get previous or current recipes and now I have a place for them to go.

Welcome also to anyone who loves garlic, Herbs and fresh produce, I hope you find the recipe you need.

Recipe Categories:
CategoryLast Updated
AllAboutGarlic (5 )Sun 20/Nov/2005 16:26:45
Breakfast (1 )Fri 18/Nov/2005 13:05:38
CHICKEN (3 )Tue 25/Apr/2006 04:23:36
Cookingwithfreshherbs (4 )Tue 3/Jan/2006 14:17:16
FISHandSEAFOOD (1 )Tue 3/Jan/2006 04:37:37
GarlicScapes (32 )Mon 24/Apr/2006 20:32:57
MAIN_DISH (2 )Mon 21/Nov/2005 08:33:41
MUSHROOMS (1 )Mon 21/Nov/2005 08:38:16
PASTA (2 )Tue 15/Nov/2005 20:57:05
POULTRY (1 )Fri 18/Nov/2005 09:18:47
SALADandDRESSING (2 )Tue 3/Jan/2006 04:53:57
SOUPSandSTEWS (2 )Sun 20/Nov/2005 16:34:45
SPREADS (1 )Sun 20/Nov/2005 16:43:28
SpreadsDips (1 )Tue 3/Jan/2006 14:15:11
VEGETABLES (8 )Mon 21/Nov/2005 08:19:49
VEGETARIAN (1 )Mon 21/Nov/2005 08:26:46
VENISON (1 )Tue 29/Nov/2005 21:07:39
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