Carta da Musica
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Recipe Introduction
Saedinian Bread
List of Ingredients
1 1/2 Tsp. Active dry yeast or 6/10 sm. cake yeast - (10gr.)
1/4 Cup Water: warm - (60 ml)
1 Cup Water - (240 ml) [See Note below]
3 3/4 Cups Flour - unbleached all purpose - (500 gr.)
1 Tsp. Salt (5 gr.)
Note: The amount of water relative to the flour is dependent upon the fineness of granules in the flour, its freshness and its water absorption rate. Adjust this amount to achieve the desired consistency
Dissolve the yeast in 1/4 cup water and allow it to stand for approximately 5-10 minutes. Dissolve the salt in the additional water (1 cup). Place the flour (3 3/4 cup) on the work surface (or in a large bowl) and make a well in the center. Gradually add the dissolved yeast, and the dissolved salt mixture to the flour mixing well between additions. Continue to mix until the dough begins to hold together. Knead the dough to a soft, slightly damp, well amalgamated consistency (approximately 10-15 minutes).
Consider the size of your oven and your experience in handling sheets of thin dough prior to dividing the dough. Divide the dough into pieces of a comfortable size, keeping in mind that the dough will be stretched to a thickness of approximately 1/8 inch. Shape the divided dough into equal rounds of approximately 3 inches (8 cm) in diameter. Dust a piece of canvas (untreated, 100% cotton), or a proofing board (lumber core plywood) with flour. Place the portions of the dough on the canvas or board. Allow the dough to rise, covered with a cotton towel, until it is nearly tripled (approximately 3-4 hours.
As the dough is rising, place a baking stone in the oven and set the temperature to 450� F. Allow the oven to heat for 30 minutes.
Using a rolling pin, roll each portion of dough evenly to a uniform thickness, without any holes or creases. (Holes and/or creases in the dough causes uneven rising in the oven, and the bread will not open fully.) Continually dust the work surface, to avoid the dough from sticking. As two or three portions of the dough are rolled out, begin baking them one at a time. Place a disk of dough on a sheet of parchment paper. Slide a baker�s peel beneath the parchment paper, and onto the baking stone. The dough should bake for approximately 1 minute within which time it will inflate or swell. Without allowing the disk to deflate, quickly remove it from the oven and divide the top from the bottom, using a serrated knife. (At this stage the bread is referred to as pane lentu, or softened bread). Stack the separated halves on a towel, making sure that they are placed with the inside surface of each facing down, so that no two inside areas are touching one another. Place a light weight on the stack, to prevent the prebaked halves from curling upwards. Following the prebaking of all the pieces of dough, their separation, and their being weighted and cooled, begin the process of baking each piece again. Return the pieces to the oven, one at a time, baking them for about 10 seconds on each side, during which time they will become crisp and dry.
Stack the disks up in a pile, one upon the other as they are removed from the oven.