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    Monkey Bread

    Source of Recipe

    Cindy Crawford

    Recipe Introduction

    Monkey Bread has been a tradition in the Crawford household since Cindy and her sisters were little. Now the Crawford sisters make it for their own children.

    List of Ingredients

    2 loaves white bread, uncooked (freezer section of grocery store)
    1 stick melted butter (add more if needed)
    2 cup sugar
    2 tablespoons cinnamon


    Thaw bread dough overnight in refrigerator. When soft, use kitchen scissors to cut it up into one inch pieces. Dip dough into melted butter, then roll around in sugar/cinnamon combination until covered.

    2. Line bottom of a bundt pan and then start to layer in evenly. Cook at temperature recommended on dough packaging for about one hour until golden brown and hard on the top. Remove from oven and flip over on to a larger platter. Let sit with pan on top for a few minutes while the sweet mixture runs down the bread.

    3. Garnish with holly, marichiano cherries, candied nuts, icing, or decoration of your choice.

    4. To eat, pick apart—like a bunch of monkeys.




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