Nurse Bonnie's Marbled Wheat Loaf
Source of Recipe
List of Ingredients
White Bread
2 c all-purpose flour
1 tsp salt
1 Tbsp sugar
1 1/2 tsp instant yeast
2 Tbsp margarine
2 Tbsp nonfat dry milk
3/4 c water
Wheat Bread
1 1/2 c wheat flour
1/2 tsp salt
1 1/2 Tbsp sugar
2 1/2 tsp instant yeast
2 Tbsp margarine
3 Tbsp nonfat dry milk
1/2 tsp D.D. Williamson
Caramel Color Powder
1/2 c water
1 beaten egg will also be needed for brushing the bread dough later.
There are two methods to preparing the dough for this bread, both are effective and yield desirable results.
Method 1:
Prepare each bread dough separately.
Stir together 1 c flour, all the water @ 126�F, and all the yeast. Allow to rise for 1 hour.
Add the remaining ingredients and knead by machine for two minutes.
Pat the white dough portion into a rectangle about 10" by 12". Brush with beaten egg.
Pat the wheat dough portion into a rectangle of the same size. Place on top of the white bread dough. Brush wheat dough with beaten egg.
Roll up and pinch seams closed. Place dough in a lightly greased bread pan, seam facing down.
Allow to rise for 1 hour or until the dough has doubled and crowed 1 inch above the side of the pan.
Bake 32-36 minutes at 400�F. The internal bread temperature should be 190�F when the bread is finished.
Allow bread to cool for a few minutes before removing from the pan. This makes a large loaf, could possibly make two smaller loaves.
Rye flour and bread flour can be interchanged.
For a variety, dill seeds may be added or omitted.
The D.D. Williamson Caramel Color Powder gives the bread its dark look; for a darker look, simply add more powder.
Method 2:
Prepare each bread dough separately.
Combine all the ingredients together.
Mix/knead by machine for 2 minutes.
Allow to rise 1 hour.
Punch down and shape. Roll the white dough portion into a rectangle about 10" by 12". Brush with beaten egg. Roll the wheat dough portion into a rectangle of the same size. Place on top of the white bread dough. Brush wheat dough with beaten egg.
Roll up and pinch seams close. Place dough in a lightly greased bread pan, seam facing down.
Allow to rise for 1 hour or until the dough has doubled and crowed 1 inch above the side of the pan.
Bake 32-36 minutes at 400F. The internal bread temperature should be 190F when the bread is finished.
Allow bread to cool for a few minutes before removing from the pan. This makes a large loaf, could possibly make two smaller loaves.
To increase the differentiation of color in the spiral, simply add more D.D. Williamson Caramel Color Powder to the wheat dough portion.
Warm water, 126F for example, is ideal for helping the yeast rise. If the water is too hot, the yeast may die and therefore you would have flat bread.
Also, it is best to keep the salt and yeast away from each other for as long as possible. Salt may overpower the yeast , killing it. The results could be flat bread. For this reason, Method 1 my be slightly preferred.
This is fun bread to make and your guests will find it to be a tasty and special creation.