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    Pineapple and Cinnamon Pancakes

    Source of Recipe

    from Step-by-Step Low Fat Baking by Carole Handslip

    List of Ingredients

    1 cup self-rising whole wheat flour
    1 cup self-rising white flour
    1 tsp ground cinnamon
    1 Tbsp sugar
    1 large egg
    1 1/4 cups pineapple juice
    1/2 cup dried pineapple, chopped


    Preheat a griddle or heavy bottomed frying pan. Put the whole wheat flour in
    a mixing bowl. Sift in the white flour, add the cinnamon and sugar, and make a
    well in the center.

    Add the egg with half the pineapple juice, and gradually incorporate the
    surrounding flour to make a smooth batter. Beat in the remaining juice with the
    chopped pineapple.

    Lightly grease the griddle or pan. Drop tablespoons of the batter onto the
    surface, leaving them until they bubble and the bubbles begin to burst.

    Turn the pancakes over with a metal spatula, and cook until the bottoms are
    golden brown. Keep the cooked pancakes warm and moist by wrapping them in a
    clean napkin while continuing to cook successive batches.

    Makes 24




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