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    Ayrshire Bacon Dumplings

    Source of Recipe

    Scotland For Visitors Online

    List of Ingredients

    6 oz self raising flour
    Salt and Pepper
    2 teaspoons chopped fresh parsley or 1 teaspoon dried
    1/2 teaspoon dried mixed herbs
    3 oz shredded suet
    3 oz smoked bacon rashers, finely chopped


    In a bowl, mix the flour and seasoning. Add the mixed herbs and parsley and mix well. Rub in the suet, adding just enough water to make a firm but pliable dough. Shape into approx. 12 balls. Make a small indentation into each ball with your thumb and push in a little chopped bacon.

    Dampen the edges, pinch together (sealing the bacon inside) and re-roll the ball. The finished dumplings should then be boiled in a saucepan for approx. 45-50 minutes. They should then be added almost at the end of cooking time for the dish to which it is being added.

    Another alternative would be to add it to the stew, soup etc approx 45-50 minutes before the end of the cooking time for that dish.




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