Source of Recipe
Philippa Davenport in "Country Living" (British), May 1987.
List of Ingredients
1 Red cabbage (1-1/2 to 2 lbs)
1 Onion
1 Parsnip
1 lg Apple
1 tb Honey
1/2 oz Butter
2 tb Fruit vinegar (or more)
-- preferably raspberry
Caraway seeds
1/4 pt Yoghurt or sour cream, opt.
Cut cabbage into quarters. Remove and discard the tough central stalk.
Shred the cabbage and put it into a large mixing bowl. Peel and finely
chop the onion and add it to the cabbage. Cut the parsnip and apple into
small pieces, peeling them first if you wish, and add them to the bowl.
Drizzle on the honey. Add a good seasoning of salt and pepper and scant
1/2 teaspoon caraway seeds. Sprinkle on the vinegar , use 3 tablespoons if
the apple you are using is the dessert variety, just 2 tablespoons if it is
a cooking apple. Mix everything together well using your hands -- a little
messy, but spoons are not as effective -- then pile the mixture into a
buttered casserole. Lay a sheet of thickly buttered greaseproof paper
directly on top of the vegetables and cover the casserole with a well
fitting lid to prevent drying out.
Cook at 300 F (150 C) gas mark 2 for about 2-1/2 hours until the
vegetables are beautifully tender, if possible stir the mixture once or
twice as it cooks. Remove the greaseproof paper and check seasoning
immediately before serving. Serve the vegetable mixture just as it is, or
top at the last minute with 1/4 pint cold creamy yoghurt or soured cream
into which you have stirred a few bruised and lightly crushed caraway
seeds. Or hand round the bowl of flavoured cream separately, so that those
who want it can help themselves.