Chiddingly Hot Pot
Source of Recipe
the web
List of Ingredients
1 lb. beef
8 oz. olives
A little allspice
1 lb. potatoes
A few cloves and black peppercorns
8 oz. celery
A little tarragon vinegar
A little malt vinegar
1 lb. onions or shallotsRecipe
Place a layer of chopped onions on the bottom of a large casserole dish
with chopped olives and celery. Put thin slices of beef over them and
sprinkle with spices and vinegars. Cut potatoes into thin slices and
place over the meat with some more chopped olives. Repeat until all the
ingredients are used up. Pour enough water into the casserole nearly to
cover. Cook in a low oven for about 3-4 hours according to quantities
used. The vinegar renders additional salt unnecessary.