Irish sherry trifle
Source of Recipe
the web
List of Ingredients
1 sponge cake, cut in two pieces
1 cup raspberry or strawberry jam
150-175ml sweet sherry
5 large eggs
4 tsp caster sugar
1 tsp vanilla
750ml full cream milk
400ml thick cream
8 glacé cherries
Spread one sponge half with the jam, place the other on top and set aside. Make the custard: whisk the eggs with the sugar and vanilla, heat the milk in a pan and heat until just about to reach boiling point. Then slowly tip the hot milk into the egg mix, whisking constantly. Return to the pan and stir over a low heat until the custard is thick enough to coat the back of a spoon. Sandwich the rounds of sponge together with the jam. Set aside.
Cut the sponge into 2cm chunks. Use half of these to line a 1.7 litre trifle bowl or 8–10 individual bowls, sprinkling generously with sherry as you go. Pour in half the custard and add the remaining sponge. Sprinkle with more sherry, then spread the rest of the custard over the top. Cover and leave for 5–6 hours, or overnight. Spread with whipped cream just before serving and decorate with the glacé cherries.
Serves 6-8