Kentish Chicken Pudding
Source of Recipe
Helens Book of British Cooking
Recipe Introduction
Serves 4-6
List of Ingredients
Chicken - 1, weighing about 1.6-1.8 kg (3½-4 lb), jointed
Button mushrooms - 110g (4 oz)
Cooked ham - 50g (2 oz)
Fresh parsley - 1 tbsp, chopped
Plain flour - 25g (1 oz)
Salt and pepper
Suet crust pastry - made with 225g (8 oz) flour
Chicken stock - 300 ml (½ pint)
Take the meat off the chicken bones and divide into neat pieces.
Clean the mushrooms and chop coarsely, together with the ham and
Roll the pieces of chicken in seasoned flour.
Line a greased 1.4 litre (2½ pint) pudding basin with two-thirds
the pastry.
Fill the basin with layers of chicken pieces, seasoned and sprinkled
with the chopped
ham and mushroom mixture.
Pour in the stock. Brush the top edge of the crust with water and
place the
remaining crust, rolled out into a disc, on top.
Press the edges together well, trim and cover the top with a loose
lid of foil (to
allow for rising) tied on with string. Make a handle of string for
lifting the
pudding out of the pan. Place it in a large saucepan of boiling
water, cover and boil for 3 hours, topping
up the pan with more boiling water if necessary.
When the cooking time is up, lift the pudding out of the pan and
remove the foil.
Wrap the basin in a white napkin and serve the pudding straight from
the bowl.