Roastit Bubbly-Jock
Source of Recipe
the web
Recipe Introduction
Christmas (and Thanksgiving in the US & Can.) is a time when millions of roast turkeys are consumed. In Scotland, turkey was called "bubbly-jock" and roasting and stuffing evolved using local produce. At one time, when oysters were cheap and plentiful, they formed parts of the stuffing. But here is a more modern (but still traditional) version.
List of Ingredients
1 7-8lb self-basting turkey (sufficient for 6 people)
½ cup of milk
1¼ cups of fresh breadcrumbs
1 stalk of finely chopped or grated celery
1 finely chopped or grated onion
2 tbsp finely chopped fresh parsley
½ cup chopped water chestnuts (tinned variety are fine)
10 oz chopped chicken livers
8 oz sausage mince (ground sausage meat)
2 oz melted butter
1 tsp of Worcester sauce
Pinch of nutmeg
2 cups warm water
2 tbsp redcurrant jelly or similar
Preheat the oven to 350F.
-Mix the milk, breadcrumbs, chopped celery, onions, chestnuts, nutmeg, plus one tablespoon parsley and half of the chicken livers.
-Then place the sausage mince, teaspoon of parsley and the Worcester sauce in another bowl and mix well.
-Remove any giblets from the turkey, rinse well (inside and out) and dry off.
-Press the breadcrumb mixture into the turkey cavity, making sure it is well filled.
-Seal the end with skewers.
-Press the mince into the bird via the neck cavity and again seal with skewers (toothpicks sometimes do the trick).
-Place the turkey on a baking rack in a deep baking tray.
-Add the warm water and remaining livers to the tray.
-Brush the turkey all over with melted butter.
-Bake the bird, basing the cooking time on 20 minutes per pound of bird, plus another 20 minutes.
-From time to time, baste the bird with the juices in the pan.
-When cooking is complete, remove the tray and the turkey from the oven and allow the bird to stand for about ten minutes.
-Put the pan juices plus the redcurrant jelly (or similar) into a small pan and heat vigorously for ten minutes, reducing the sauce by half, stirring continuously.
-Pass the sauce through a fine strainer and serve with the turkey (and your own selection of vegetables).