Source of Recipe
the web
List of Ingredients
1kg fresh salmon
3 or 4 chopped shallots
freshly ground salt and pepper (to taste)
a pinch of ground mace
150ml water (to poach fish and make a stock)
150ml dry white wine
125g sliced field mushrooms
2 tablespoons fresh parsley (chopped)
Large knob of butter (to saute the mushrooms)
Make enough creamed potatoes to serve the 4 people (quantities vary - in our house that's quite a lot of creamed potatoes!)
Put the fish into a pan, put in water (it should 'barely' cover the fish), bring to the boil and then simmer for no more than 5 minutes.
Lift the fish carefully from the pan, remove the skin and bones, then cut the fish into smallish cubes. Season with salt, pepper and mace, then put into a clean pan with the fish stock, the wine, and the shallots. Cover and simmer gently for about 20 minutes.
In the mean time, heat up the butter and saute the mushrooms until cooked, but not too browned. Drain and add to the salmon/stock, allowing the ingredients to warm together (only a few minutes) Sprinkle with the chopped parsley and serve with mashed, creamed potatoes and a nice dark green vegetable such as brocolli or spring greens.
Serves 4.