Chris Wood’s Mild Chili
Source of Recipe
the web
List of Ingredients
2 cans of tomato paste (Hunt’s)
1/2 tablespoon of chili seasoning
1 cup water
1 can light red kidney beans – optional
1 can black eyed peas – optional
1 can hot chili beans
1/2 pound of ground beef
1 or 1/2 onion
Take the 2 cans of tomato paste, 1/2 tablespoon of chili seasoning, and a 1/2 cup water and whip together until soft in a large pot.
Add all beans into the paste. Add another 1/2 cup of water.
Put 1/2 pound of beef and the onion in a skillet and cook until brown.
Drain excess grease.
Add more chili pepper/seasoning to the meat.
Add the meat into the previously mixed pot.
Let simmer on a mild heat for at least a half-hour.
Feelin’ saucy?: If you like it hot, and we know you do, just a few drops of the following sauces will get you reaching for water and antacid:
“Dazed Insanity”- One or two drops.
“Endorphin’s Rush”- One or two drops.
Green Tabasco sauce. “I use a six drop set up,” said Wood. “I like it spicy!
Serves about six.