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    Blancmange with Raspberries

    Source of Recipe


    Recipe Introduction

    Chef: Ritz Escoffier Ecole de Gastronomie Francaise

    List of Ingredients

    9 fl. oz of milk
    9 fl. oz of almond milk*
    4 gelatin leaves soaked in cold water and drained (or 40 g. of powdered gelatin)
    9 fl. oz of regular whipping cream
    5 1/2 oz. (150 g) raspberries or wild strawberries
    Mint leaves

    1 pint of milk
    9 oz of sugar
    1 lb 2 oz (500 g) blanched almonds
    4 or 5 bitter almonds -or- 2 drops of extract of bitter almonds

    5 1/2 oz. (150 g) raspberries
    2 1/4 oz. (60 g) sugar
    1 tsp of lemon juice


    Bring to a boil, separately, the milk and the almond milk. Put the gelatine in the almond milk and then incorporate the boiled milk. Strain in a conical strainer [chinois] and let cool on ice, stirring from time to time with a whisk.

    Whip the cream until stiff. When the milk starts to thicken and take an oily consistency, delicately incorporate the whipped cream. Pour this mixture into a big ring-shaped mould or into small individual moulds. Let cool for 1 1/2 to 2 hours.

    For the raspberry sauce, mix all ingredients in a blender then strain in a conical strainer to eliminate the seeds. Adjust seasoning and keep in the refrigerator.

    TO SERVE: Quickly put the mould(s) in hot water, then turn out. Garnish with red fruits, almonds and mint leaves. Serve the sauce seperately in a sauceboat.




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