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    Flora Bunda

    Source of Recipe

    "An Invitation to the White House: At Home With History", by Hillary Rodham Clinton.

    List of Ingredients

    For Lemon Sorbet:

    3 cups water

    2 cups sugar

    1 cup fresh lemon juice, strained

    For the Bouquet:

    1 cantaloupe

    1/2 honeydew melon

    4 kiwi fruits

    2 mangoes

    3 oranges

    1 pint blueberries

    2 pints strawberries

    1/2 pint raspberries

    1 recipe Raspberry Sauce (recipe follows)


    To make the Lemon Sorbet: In a large nonreactive bowl, combine the water, sugar and lemon juice. Let the mixture stand for at least an hour, until the sugar dissolves completely. Then pour it into an airtight container and chill overnight in the refrigerator.

    Freeze the sorbet in an ice cream machine according to the manufacturer's directions. While the sorbet is freezing, prepare the vase mold. Fill the mold with sorbet and cover with plastic wrap placed directly on the surface of the sorbet. Freeze sorbet mold overnight.

    To make the Bouquet: Cut the cantaloupe in half, remove seeds, and use a melon baller to make balls to use as buds. Peel the honeydew and cut very thin wedges; roll a thin wedge of honeydew from end to end to make a rosebud. Peel and cut kiwis in half through the center (as a lemon is cut) to form two crowns. Cut the kiwi crowns in half lengthwise so they lie flat to form tulip shapes. Peel mangoes, remove pits and cut flesh into very thin slices. Roll a few slices to form buds; roll other slices to make flower shapes.

    Cut rind away from oranges and cut fruit into segments; arrange segments like flower petals, then place blueberries in center to look like black-eyed Susans. Remove stems from strawberries and make several partial cuts to create a fan.

    Fruit can be cut, shaped and laid out on a tray lined with plastic wrap, a little ahead of time; cover with a damp towel and refrigerate until ready to make the bouquet.

    Have the fruit ready to arrange quickly as the sorbet is unmolded. Unmold the sorbet onto a well-chilled oval platter. Arrange the fruit bouquet on the platter so that it spreads out from the top of the vase. Sprinkle with additional blueberries and raspberries as color accents and serve immediately. Serve with Raspberry Sauce on the side. Makes 8 servings.

    Raspberry Sauce

    12 ounces fresh raspberries or 12-ounce package frozen unsweetened raspberries

    1/2 cup raspberry preserves

    2 tablespoons framboise (raspberry liqueur) or raspberry eau-de-vie, optional

    In the work bowl of a food processor fitted with a metal blade, add the raspberries and preserves and pulse until smooth. Working over a medium-size bowl, pour the sauce through a fine-mesh strainer. Use a rubber spatula to push it through; wipe the seeds from the spatula and then scrape off the bottom of the strainer. Add the raspberry liqueur, if used, mix to combine, cover with plastic wrap and chill until serving time. Makes about 1 1/4 cups.




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