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Recipe Categories:

    Shaunie O'Neal'sBanana Pudding

    Source of Recipe


    List of Ingredients

    • 1 cup flour
    • 1/2 cup sugar
    • 2 14-ounce cans sweetened condensed milk
    4 cups whole milk
    4 large eggs
    2 TBS. vanilla extract
    6 large bananas
    1 12-ounce box vanilla wafers
    1 2 1/2-quart bowl or 6 to 8 parfait glasses depending on the size


    1. In a 3/4-quart heavy bottom pot, combine the flour and the sugar with a wire whisk.
    2. Whisk in the condensed milk and then slowly whisk in the whole milk. Then whisk eggs separately in a bowl and add. Continue whisking until mixture is completely smooth.
    3. Place over medium high heat, whisking constantly until mixture begins to boil.
    4. Lower heat to medium. While continuously whisking, boil mixture for 2 minutes. Be careful not to scald pudding. Mixture will get thick and bubbly, so be careful.
    5. Remove from heat and whisk in vanilla extract.
    6. Slice bananas into 1/4-inch slices.
    7. Start layering, vanilla wafers, bananas, pudding. Repeat layering until no ingredients remain.
    8. If you are using parfaits, make three layers finishing with the pudding. If you are using the large bowl, make 5 layers. Top with sweetened whipped cream, if desired.
    9. Let cool slightly or refrigerate and serve later the same day.

    Serves 6-8.




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