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    Source of Recipe

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    Recipe Introduction

    St Barths

    List of Ingredients

    * 200 grams dried codfish
    * 1 onion
    * 3 chives
    * 3 cloves of garlic
    * A tad of pimento
    * 2 stems of freshly ground parsley
    * 300 grams of flour
    * 1 package of yeast
    * 1 egg
    * 1 Tbsp. baking soda
    * salt, pepper and oil


    Poach codfish in water. Remove, change water, and poach a second time. Remove codfish from water, skin, debone and shred flesh. Sift flour into a large salad bowl, and add the shredded codfish. Mince onions, chives and garlic, then add to codfish. Add chopped parsley and pimento. Mix these ingredients together, adding yeast, baking soda and egg. Lightly salt and pepper, then add water until mixture turns into a batter. Let batter sit for a few hours then, spoon into balls and deep fry until fritters turn a golden brown. Remove from heat and serve hot.




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