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    Australian Corned Beef and Cabbage

    Source of Recipe


    List of Ingredients

    wedges of cabbage
    peeled onions, left whole
    carrots (peeled and chopped into 'chunks')
    peeled potatoes
    1 onion
    a blade of mace
    12 peppercorns
    6 cloves
    1 teaspoon of vinegar (I use malt vinegar, you know, the brown stuff!)
    warm water
    corned meat


    Place the corned meat in a saucepan of warm water and bring to simmering point. Add 1 teaspoon of vinegar (I use malt vinegar, you know, the brown stuff!) - also add 6 cloves, 12 peppercorns and a blade of mace to flavour the meat (you can use a sprinkle of grated nutmeg instead of the mace). Cook at a simmer until tender.

    I have variations which you might like to try. I peel an onion and stab it with the cloves and cook it with the meat. I also add to the pot (when the meat is nearly cooked) peeled potatoes, carrots (peeled and chopped into 'chunks') and also some peeled onions, left whole. When the vegetables are nearly cooked you can add a couple of wedges of cabbage. If the potatoes are really big you can halve them so they will be cooked at the same time as the carrots and onions. If you want to eat the meat cold, let it cool in the cooking water.




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