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    Balti Lamb Tikka

    Source of Recipe

    Good Food Online

    Recipe Introduction

    One of the best ways of tenderizing meat is to marinate it in papaya, which must be unripe or it will lend too much sweetness to what should be a savoury dish.

    List of Ingredients

    675g lean lamb, cubed
    1 unripe papaya or pawpaw
    3 tbsp natural yoghurt
    1 tsp grated ginger
    1 tsp chilli powder
    1 tsp crushed garlic
    � tsp turmeric
    2 tsp coriander
    1 tsp cumin
    2 tbsp lemon juice
    1 tbsp chopped coriander
    � tsp red food coloring
    1� cups oil
    lemon wedges and onion rings for garnish


    Place the cubed lamb in a large bowl. Peel the papaya, cut in half and scoop out the seeds. Cut the flesh into cubes and blend until the flesh is pulped; add some water if necessary.

    Pour about 2 tbsp of the pulp over the lamb and rub it in well. Set aside to marinate for at least 3 hours.

    Meanwhile, mix together the yoghurt, ginger, chilli powder, garlic, turmeric, ground coriander, cumin, lemon juice, fresh coriander, red food coloring, and 2 tbsp oil. Season with seasalt, spoon over the lamb and mix well.

    Heat the remaining oil in a wok. When it is hot, lower the heat slightly and add the lamb cubes, a few at a time. Fry the batches of lamb for 5-7 minutes or until cooked and tender. Keep each batch warm as they are cooked.

    When they have all been cooked garnish with the lemon wedges, onion rings and fresh coriander.Serve with naan bread.

    Serves 4.




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