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    Source of Recipe

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    Recipe Introduction


    List of Ingredients

    3/4 lbs ground beef
    1 tbsp. parsley, chopped
    3 tbsp. butter
    3 tbsp. flour
    3/4 cup beef broth
    salt and pepper to taste
    fine cracker crumbs (about 1 cup)
    1 egg
    2 tbsp. water
    oil for frying


    Cook the meat in a little bit of oil until done. Drain and discard fat. Put in a bowl and add salt and pepper to taste. Make a white sauce by mixing the butter, flour and beef broth. If the beef broth is not hot, you may have to heat it to make the three ingredients combine. Add the white sauce and the chopped parsley to the meat. Mix well. Let chill.

    Shape mixture into balls about 1" in diameter. Roll the balls on bread crumbs. In a separate bowl, beat the egg and mix with 2 tbsp. water. Pass the balls through the egg recoat with cracker crumbs.

    Deep fry the balls until golden brown, about 2 minutes. Serve with mustard




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