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    Recipe Introduction

    "Boerewors (An Afrikaans word, 'Boere' meaning 'farmers' and 'Wors' meaning 'sausage') is a sausage probably created by the pioneers (Boers) two hundred years ago.
    South African.

    List of Ingredients

    3 kg beef (6 3/4 lbs)
    2 kg Pork (4 1/2 lbs)
    500 g fat from a sheep's tail (1 lb)
    5 ml ground nutmeg (1 tsp)
    40 g fine salt (2 Tbs)
    5 ml coarsely ground black pepper (1 tsp)
    20 g BBQ spice (3/4 oz)
    30 g dried coriander (cilantro) (1 cup)
    1 cup fresh breadcrumbs
    100 ml vinegar (1/2 cup)
    50 ml Worcestershire sauce(1/4 cup)
    Sausage casings


    Grind the meat and fat and mix well together.

    Mix all other ingredients except Worcestershire sauce and vinegar. Use your hands to incorporate mixed spices and seasoning into meat and fat mixture.

    Leave to marinate for one hour.

    Add Worcestershire sauce and vinegar, and mix very well. Stuff into washed sausage casings (but not too thick as the sausage will burst when you grill it).

    CASINGS: Rinse by inserting a small funnel into one end and run cold water through several times. No need to dry.

    To start stuffing, knot casing at end. When casing is filled, twist at 4 inch lengths and tie with kitchen string

    Tie off in links as soon a there is enough stuffing to make one link of 4 inches. Cut about 1 inch beyond stuffed area, then tie. Repeat until casings are used.

    Grill on the barbecue (called a 'braai' over here) or fry in a little oil.




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