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    Source of Recipe

    Athens Pastries

    List of Ingredients

    * 200 ml. milk
    * 100 ml. Water
    * 50 gr. sugar
    * 50gr. Semolina
    * Vegetable oil
    * Filo sheets
    * Icing Sugar
    * Cinnamon


    Filling- Mix In a pot the 200ml. of milk and the 100ml. of water. Bring to a boil and then add in the sugar 50gr. Lower heat and mix in durum semolina 50gr. Keep at medium heat and continue stirring until the mix thickens. Let it cool down. The mixture will look like custard.

    Bougatsa � Using a brush, baste about 6 Filo sheets with vegetable oil. Add the custard and wrap. Place on a baking sheet or tray and bake at 350F for 45 minutes, or until golden brown. Let them cool for 5 minutes. Cut in squares and sprinkle with icing sugar and cinnamon to taste. Serve with a smile!




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