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    Carrot Ginger Soup from Boma

    Source of Recipe

    Flavors of Africa at Disney's Animal Kingdom Lodge

    List of Ingredients

    2 cups chunky-cut carrots
    2 cups water
    1/2 cup sugar, or to taste
    1 1/2 Tblsp ground ginger
    1 cup each: heavy cream and milk
    2 cups sliced or shredded American cheese

    1/4 cup butter
    1/4 to 1/2 cup flour


    1. To make a roux, melt the butter in a small saucepot, slowly add the flour to make a paste. Cook until incorporated. Remove from heat and set aside.

    2. In pot, cook carrots in water, sugar and ginger. Let simmer until carrots are soft. Using a food processor or blender, puree carrot mixture until smooth.

    3. Add heavy cream, milk and roux. Cook until soup is hot and slightly thick. Add American cheese and let simmer until cheese melts. Adjust seasonings as needed.

    Yield: 8 servings.




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