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    Source of Recipe

    the web

    Recipe Introduction

    This dish is actually Middle Eastern in origin, but the Croatians along with all the other South Slavs now lay claim to this tasty grilled main dish.

    Serves 8 to 10

    List of Ingredients

    1 1/2 pounds ground beef
    1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
    3 tablespoons chopped parsley
    1/2 pound ground lamb
    1 tablespoon salt
    1 teaspoon minced garlic or garlic powder


    Put all of the ingredients into a large mixing bowl and knead well to bind the meats and spices together. Refrigerate for about 2 hours and then take out and knead well again.Shape into finger-length shapes (just like small sausages) and cook on a grill or in a broiler over a moderate temperature so that they stay juicy. Turn only once and do not pierce. Serve in warmed or grilled Greek-style pita bread on a bed of onions. Also good with kajmak or sour cream, fresh peppers, ajvar and tomatoes.




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