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Recipe Categories:

    Ducklings Swimming in a Pond

    Source of Recipe

    the web

    Recipe Introduction

    4 servings

    List of Ingredients

    6 c Rich chicken broth
    1/2 c Shelled green peas (or
    -quartered snowpeas)
    12 Shelled baby shrimp
    4 Nami black mushrooms
    3 Egg whites
    Yellow food coloring


    Wash & soak mushrooms in warm water for
    1 hour; slice into thin strips; reserve. Blanch
    shrimp in salted boiling water (omit if shrimp are

    Make ducklings within hour or less of serving. Have
    steamer ready.

    Work with eggs & mixing bowl at room temperature.
    Separate whites & yolks; reserve yolks for another
    recipe. Beat egg whites, starting slowly, then
    progressively faster after eggs begin to foam, until
    eggs are stiff but not runny. If whites are too stiff,
    they tend to break apart in shaping process.

    Form 2 ducklings per serving. Use tablespoon to form
    body; flatten egg in spoon; turn over onto steaming
    plate. To body, add blob of egg for neck & head,
    another piece for tail. Use toothpick to carefully
    shape head & tail.

    Steam one as test. Steaming should take 30-60 seconds
    to set surface of egg. After steaming, swab beak &
    tail with yellow food coloring; put color on toothpick
    to mark eyes.

    Soup: 30 minutes or so before serving, heat broth to
    just under boil; add mushrooms & peas. 5 minutes
    before serving, add shrimp & desired seasonings. Pour
    soup into warm serving bowl. Float ducklings on soup.




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