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    Recipe Introduction

    Well famous Nigerian soup, particularly indigenous to the Efiks and thoroughly enjoyed and appreciated amongst connoisseurs and lovers of good food all over the country. There are many myths attached to this superb soup but as you can see from the recipe given, it is only a simple vegetable soup.

    List of Ingredients

    I kg / 21b assorted meats (beef, oxtail, tripe, ponmo, bokoto & bushmeat)
    4 snails (washed with lemon and limes)
    450g / llb stockfish (pre-soaked)
    450g / llb dry fish ( thoroughly washed)
    450g/ llb periwinkles (top & tail)
    22 5 � / 8oz whole dry prawns (cleaned)
    225g / 8oz ground crayfish
    I medium onion
    1.35kg/3 lb fresh ugwu/pumpkin leaves (washed & shredded)
    I kg /21b fresh waterleaf (prepared and washed)
    200ml palmoil
    600ml / lpt stock
    salt to taste


    Wash the meat thoroughly and place in a large pot. Add some sliced onions, ground chillies and some stock. Place on heat and cook for 30 minutes. Meanwhile, remove the snail from shells and wash, rubbing with lime or lemon juice to remove slime. Wash the smoked dry fish with salt and soak in slightly salted eater for 5 minutes to kill any insect and loosen any sand or girt.

    Rinse thoroughly with lots of cold water. Top and tail the periwinkles and wash thoroughly. Add the snails, stockfish, dry fish,dry prawns and periwinkles to the pot of meat and cook for a further 10 minutes, adding more stock if required. Finally add the shredded ugwu / pumpkin leaves and waterleaf, mix in properly. Allow to simmer for 15 minutes and add the crayfish and palmoil.

    Give it a good stir and gently simmer for another 10 minutes until well blended and the aroma fills the kitchen. Remove from heat and serve hot with Fufu or pounded yam.




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