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Recipe Categories:

    Empanadas chilenas de pino

    Source of Recipe

    Salsa Power

    Recipe Introduction


    List of Ingredients


    2 pounds of flour
    3 tablespoons of vegetable shortening
    2 level teaspoons of salt
    1 tablespoon baking powder
    1 cup of white wine
    warm water


    Form a circle with the flour. In the middle mix the remaining ingredients. As the dough is forming, add water little by little until the dough is soft and does not stick to your fingers. Allow it to rest one hour.

    Meat Filling (Pino):

    1 pound of ground meat
    3 large onions
    4 tablespoons of oil
    2 tablespoons paprika
    1/2 teaspoon of dried oregano
    3 garlic cloves
    1/2 cup raisins
    3 hard boiled eggs, cut into quarters
    salt and pepper

    Preparation of the Pino:

    Cut the onions into small squares. In a frying pan, put the oil, add the onion, the chopped garlic, paprika, oregano, salt. Once it is all cooked, add the ground meat and stir with a wooden spoon. Cook until the onion is transparent. Remove from heat and allow to cool.

    Preparation of the Empanadas:

    Divide the dough into 12 portions. Using a rolling pin, stretch the dough out in round forms, the size of a small plate. When they have been stretched evenly, put the following in the center of the dough: 2 tablespoons Pino (meat mixture), a quarter of a hard boiled egg, two raisins, one black olive. Moisten the edges of the dough and fold in half, pinching the edge and folding it over, pinching it again, sealing it carefully. Place them on a previously greased cookie sheet. Once they are ready, mix the yolk of an egg with a tablespoon of milk and with a small paintbrush (or pastry brush) paint the egg mixture on top of the empanadas. Bake at a medium heat (350 F.) for about 30 minutes or until they are golden brown. Serve hot with a good Chilean wine!




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