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Recipe Categories:

    Gaddina Catanisi

    Source of Recipe

    the web

    Recipe Introduction

    Catania-Style Chicken

    List of Ingredients

    1 chicken, 3-1/2 to 4 pounds
    fresh rosemary
    marjoram (or oregano)
    garlic, chopped
    1 nutmeg, to grate
    extra virgin olive oil
    scallions, use only the white ends, chopped
    1 cup of orange juice, unsweetened
    4 Tbs cognac


    Cut chicken into eight parts. Sprinkle each part with salt, fresh rosemary, marjoram, chopped garlic to taste, and a good three scrapes of nutmeg. Choose a baking dish that will accommodate the chicken in one layer and can be used on top of the stove as well as in the oven. Place a small amount of extra virgin olive oil in the pan, turn heat to high, and brown the chicken.

    When the chicken is well browned on all sides, add the chopped scallions, the cup of orange juice, pepper and 4 tablespoons of cognac. Transfer to a preheated oven at 375 degrees. Bake for 1-1/4 hours. Baste the chicken with the pan juices from time to time. When cooked, serve it in the baking dish in which it was baked




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