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    Guriltai shul

    Source of Recipe

    the web

    Recipe Introduction

    Mongolian mutton soup

    List of Ingredients

    500g fatty mutton, cut into strips (as for a stir-fry). Make sure you include the fat.
    mutton fat or oil
    2 large potatoes, diced
    1 swede, diced
    2 onions, diced
    1 carrot, diced
    2 teaspoons stock powder or salt
    2 or 3 litres water
    1 packet flat noodles (fresh or dried)


    In a large wok, lightly fry the sliced mutton in the fat. Add the vegetables and stir-fry briefly. Add the water and stock or salt. Boil until almost cooked, then add the noodles and continue boiling until these are ready. Serve in small bowls. Tsuivan (fried noodles) Proceed as for mutton soup above, but do not add the water. Instead, stir-fry the meat and vegetables and then add the fresh (or boiled dried) noodles, and continue stir-frying until the noodles are ready and the flavours have melded.




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