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Recipe Categories:

    Half Moon in the River

    Source of Recipe

    China Vista

    List of Ingredients

    200g dried mushrooms
    5g Chinese angelica
    100g oily gluten
    50g small bamboo shoots
    250g bamboo shoot soup


    Slice the Chinese angelica and put in a bowl, add 250g water, steam for 30 minutes.
    Stem and slice the mushrooms.
    Slice the oily gluten and bamboo shoots.
    Arrange the mushrooms, face down, in a big soup bowl in the shape of a crescent moon, arrange the oily gluten on the other side, put the bamboo shoots in the middle, add bamboo shoot soup, salt and MSG, steam for 10 minutes.
    Turn the bowl upside down into a saucepan, add Chinese angelica, salt, MSG bring to the boil, season and pour into a soup bowl.




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