Holstein Sauerbraten with "Gro�er Hans"
Source of Recipe
the web
List of Ingredients
Ingredients for Sauerbraten-Marinade:
1 cup of vinegar
4 cups of water
onions, 3 whole cloves, 1 bay leaf, a few peppercorns, 2-3 juniper berries
Ingredients to Make Roast:
2 pounds of rump roast
salt, pepper, 1 tbsp of shortening
� pound of bacon cut into small cubes
1 carrot, 1 whole celeriac (celery root), 1 stalk of leek
2 tbsp of sour cream
corn starch
Ingredients for "Gro�er Hans":
� pound of stale hard rolls
3 cups of milk
3 oz. of sugar
2 medium eggs
� pound each of almonds and raisins
shortening and bread crumbs for the pan
Refrigerate the meat in the marinade for three days. Turn twice daily. Before preparing, remove from marinade, dry off, and rub salt and pepper on it. Fry bacon briefly in shortening, add meat and brown on all sides. Add carrot, celeriac, and leak, and add marinade. Put on lid and let simmer for about 1� hours. Remove roast, strain stock, bring to a boil once more, thicken with corn starch, and add sour cream to taste. Serve with potatoes and a vegetable of your choice.
Cut the rolls into cubes and soak them in milk. Beat butter, sugar, and eggs until foamy. Add remaining ingredients and the soaked rolls. Stir well. Grease pan and dust with bread crumbs. Pour dough into pan. Put pan into another pan of boiling water on the stove. Boil rapidly for 10 minutes and slowly for another 80 minutes. Lift out of the water and let cool for 5 minutes. Turn upside down to remove dessert from pan.