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    Source of Recipe

    the web

    List of Ingredients

    1/4 cup Freshly Grated Coconut Or Desiccated Coconut
    3 cups Water
    1 teaspoon Turmeric
    1/4 teaspoon Salt
    1 Bouillon Cube
    2/3 cup Water
    2 1/2 cups Long Grain Rice

    Strips Of Red Pepper
    Thin Slices Of Cucumber
    Fried Onion Rings
    Strips Of Flat Omelette (Recipe Below)


    Soak the coconut in the 3/4 liter of water overnight.

    Strain the water from the coconut; bring to a boil. Add the turmeric, salt and stock cube, dissolved in 2/3 Cup of water. Add the rice to the liquid and cook slowly until all the liquid has been absorbed. If the rice is not cooked, add more liquid and continue cooking, slowly, until done.

    Decorate with the pepper, onion rings, cucumber and omelette strips.

    FLAT OMELET: Heat the oil in a small frying pan. Beat the eggs and add the salt and pepper. Cover the bottom of the pan with a thin layer of egg. Cook slowly for 2 to 3 minutes. Turn out onto a warm plate and keep it warm. Continue to cook until all of the egg mixture is used up. When done cut each omelette into 1/4-inch strips and use for a garnish.

    Serves 4.




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