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    Jacob's Flying Chicken

    Source of Recipe

    Brittney @ Recipezaar

    Recipe Introduction

    This is a Norwegian recipe I cut out from a Norwegian magazine, years ago. It is very easy to prepare, and has a unique and wonderful taste, blending curry and bananas. You can use any size grilled chickens, thus the 4-6 servings.

    List of Ingredients

    1-2 grilled chicken
    2-3 bananas
    1-1 1/3 cup whipping cream
    1/2 cup chili sauce, mild or hot
    1 teaspoon curry powder
    1/4 teaspoon salt
    crumbled cooked bacon (optional)
    pine nuts or cashews, to sprinkle


    1. Skin and debone chicken (s), and break into bite-size pieces.
    2. Put chicken pieces in a lightly greased 9 X 13 pan.
    3. Cut peeled bananas in half, vertically.
    4. Cut each banana-half again, horizontally.
    5. Put bananas on the chicken pieces in the pan.
    6. Whip whipping cream, and add chilisauce, salt and curry.
    7. Spread the mixture on top of the chicken and bananas.
    8. Sprinkle with cashews or pine-nuts.
    9. Bake in pre-heated oven at 225 C for 20 minutes.
    10. If you want the optional, crumbled bacon, sprinkle over at serving time.

    Serves 4-6.




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