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    Recipe Introduction

    Meatballs with Sour Cream

    List of Ingredients

    4 slices Bread
    2/3 cup Milk
    1 large Onion -- minced
    1/4 cup Butter
    2 Egg -- separated
    2 pounds Ground beef
    1 tablespoon Dill
    1/2 teaspoon Tarragon
    Salt -- to taste
    Pepper -- to taste


    Cut off crusts and in a small bowl saturate the bread in milk. Use a large
    skillet to saute the onion minced in the butter until soft.
    Combine well in a large bowl the ground beef, lightly beaten egg yolks, bread
    mixture, onion, dill, tarragon, salt and pepper. Beat 2 egg whites until they
    hold soft peaks, fold into beef mixture. Form small balls from beef mixture
    and sprinkle with flour. Brown meatballs in large skillet using 1/4 cup butter
    over medium heat. In another skillet saute 1/2 pound sliced mushrooms in 3
    tablespoons of butter until browned. Add to meatballs and stir in 1 1/2 cups
    sour cream, coating the meatballs and simmer in the mixture covered partially
    over low heat for 30 minutes. Stir occasionally. Salt and peeper to taste

    Serves 8.




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