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Recipe Categories:

    Maltese Pie

    Source of Recipe

    the web

    List of Ingredients

    2 - 3 sheets frozen Flaky or Puff pastry
    400 g macaroni
    200 g minced lean beef
    200 g minced pork fillet
    2 onions, finely chopped
    3 tblsp tomato paste
    4 eggs
    100 g Parmesan cheese
    200 g lambs liver (or chicken livers)
    200 g bacon, finely chopped
    � cup chicken stock
    2 tblsp olive oil


    In a large microwave-safe casserole, cook the chopped onions, minced meats and chopped bacon for 5 minutes on High. Mix well, and cook for a further 5 minutes on Medium. Add the tomato puree and stock. Cook on Medium-Low for 15 minutes, then season with salt and pepper to taste.

    Set the oven temperature to 180� C (moderate). Defrost the pastry.

    Cook the macaroni in boiling, salted water for 12 minutes. Drain, add the Parmesan cheese, and mix with the meat sauce. Beat the eggs and add to the meat mixture.

    Cover the base of a lightly greased pie dish with the defrosted Flaky or Puff pastry and fill with the meat sauce. Cover with the remaining pastry, brush with milk, and cut ventilation slits (decorate with leftover pastry). Bake in a moderate oven for 45 - 55 minutes.




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