Moin Moin
Source of Recipe
Mohammed Ighile, Owner, The African Restaurant
List of Ingredients
1 lb. Black-eyed peas, soaked for 1-2 hours in cold water
1/2 lb. corned beef
2 oz. Tomatoe puree
1/2 cup vegetable oil
2 boullion cubes
1 large onion, diced
1 red bell pepper, diced
salt and hot pepper to taste
2T oil to rub on cooking cansRecipe
In a blender:
All ingredients EXCEPT oil. Blend until smooth.
In large pot:
Boil 3-4 inches of water. Put a rack inside the pot so that the top of the rack is above the water.
In a smaller pot:
Pour in mixture, cover with foil. Put small pot inside big pot. Steam for 45-60 minutes.
Serve with rice for dinner, oats with breakfast.