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    Pollo Desinflado Asada with Pipian Rojo

    Source of Recipe

    Chef2Chef Newsletter 02/27/04

    Recipe Introduction

    Translation: Uninflated grilled chicken with red seed sauce

    List of Ingredients

    For the Chicken:

    4 chicken legs and thighs
    3 cloves garlic
    4 Tbsp. chopped cilantro
    Zest and juice of 2 limes
    4 oz vegetable oil
    2 jalapenos or poblanos (depending on how spicy you want it)
    Salt and pepper

    For the Pipian Rojo:

    1 medium onion, diced
    1 jalapeno
    2 cloves garlic
    1/2 cup pumpkin seeds
    2 Ancho chilies
    2 Tbsp. chopped cilantro
    3 cups chicken stock
    2 Tbsp. vegetable oil
    3 limes, juice only


    For the Chicken:

    With a boning knife remove the leg and thigh bone leaving the meat and skin
    intact and gently pound to even it out (hence "uninflated")

    Mix all the rest of the ingredients in a blender and marinate chicken for 15-20

    Grill skin side down till skin is crisp and turn. Cook for 8-12 minutes or until
    chicken is just done.

    For the Pipian Rojo

    In a medium pot add the oil until hot and add the onion, jalapeno, garlic and
    pumpkin seeds. Saut� until seeds and onion are just starting to brown and add
    the ancho chiles and chicken stock.

    Simmer 1/2 hour or so, then add cilantro and lime juice.

    Put the sauce in a blender and pur�e until very fine (add more stock if too
    thick). Season with salt and pepper and keep warm, not hot.

    When the chicken is done on the grill, plate up and ladle Pipian Rojo over top.

    Serve with Spanish rice and a margarita.




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