Source of Recipe
the web
Recipe Introduction
List of Ingredients
lbs lean beef
I tablespoon aj� (Bolivian red chili powder - try hot paprika instead)
4 medium onions, chopped
2 tablespoons finely chopped parsley
1 clove garlic, finely chopped oregano, cumin, pepper & salt to taste
1 medium tomato, peeled and chopped
1/2 cup peas
3 cups water
vegetable oilRecipe
Cut the beef into very small pieces. (You can cheat and use mince but the result is not so good.)
Fry the onion and garlic until tender but not brown. Add the parsley, tomato, aj� and condiments.
Cook until the fat separates from the paste, then add the peas and water.
In a separate frying pan brown the meat in the rest of the oil. Add to the aj� mixture and cook until almost all the water has evaporated.
Serve with chuno (if you can get it), boiled potatoes and salad garnish (in Bolivia this is chopped tomato, finely sliced onion, parsley and salt).