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    Sancocho de Gallina

    Source of Recipe

    the web

    Recipe Introduction


    List of Ingredients

    One 4-5 lb. stewing hen, cleaned, dressed and cut up
    1 large onion
    2 green peppers
    1/4 lb Aj� Dulce ( or use any mild chili pepper)
    4 garlic cloves, mashed
    4 quarts cold water
    1 lb. yuca ( Manioc root)
    2 medium size sweet potatoes
    1 lb.�ame ( yam)
    3 green plantains
    1/2 lb. pumpkin
    3 ears of tender corn
    1 lb. potatoes
    1 tsp Adobo ( mix together cumin, coriander, oregano, garlic powder)
    Salt & Pepper
    * I'd also add about 1/2 lb of parsnip - it`s not the same as apio, but
    it would work just right)


    1) Buy at least two cases of cold beer, 3 bottles of rum and some soda
    for the kids.
    2) fry the hen in a large pot, until just browned, then add the onion.
    Mix around aimlessly, then crack open a beer.
    3) Chop up all the other stuff into large bits ( there's no mirepoix
    involved here, OK?) and chuck into the pot. Stir around a bit, then
    serve more beers.
    4) Add water and all the other bits lying around. Plus anything else
    that catches your fancy - a twig or two, a bit of parsley, a lettuce
    leaf, whatever.
    5) Now comes the serious part. Open the bottle of rum and toast
    everyone. Allow the Sancocho to boil ( this will take ages) then lower
    to a simmer. Add salt & pepper & other ali�os.
    6) the time it takes to cook a decent Sancocho is directly proportionate
    to the amount of Ca�a ( booze) you have in the ice box. If you have 10
    bottles of rum, you need to consume at least six before you serve the
    Sancocho. It tastes better like that.

    And, dear friends, whilst this might sound a bit flippant, it does
    actually happen. The Sancocho is amazing after 3 or 4 hours..




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