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    Sopa boba

    Source of Recipe

    the web

    Recipe Introduction

    Dominican Dumb Soup

    List of Ingredients

    1 cup of gem squash cut into small cubes

    1 cup of potatoes cut into small cubes

    1 cube of vegetable stock (optional)

    1 cup of cassava (yuca) chopped into small cubes
    6 cups of water
    1 cup of noodles
    1 teaspoon of chopped parsley
    1/2 teaspoon of mashed garlic
    1/4 cup of chopped celery
    4 slices of bread
    1 tablespoon of vinegar


    In a pot add the vegetable stock, vinegar, salt, herbs, garlic, oil, water and squash. Bring to a boil and leave at medium heat for 15 minutes. Add the potatoes and the cassava, then in five minutes add the noodles. Stir regularly to avoid excessive sticking, adjust water when necessary. Adjust salt to taste. Remove from heat.

    Toast the bread until light golden brown. Serve.

    Serves 4.




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